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Ken Smith

        Ken has had a varied life which has included professional expertise in animal welfare research, animal handling in abattoirs, clinical mental health, guilt/shame treatment, and autism.  Ken is the founder of the Center for Autism, Assertiveness & Social Skills, a practice centered on helping teens/adults who struggle to find mental health services and Healthy Mind Training, a practice focused on mental health practitioner training. Ken serves as the treasurer for the Central Ohio Counseling Association and is a board member of Columbus Civic Theater. 

        Strongly influenced by his Catholic faith and varied education (including philosophy, Medieval history, animal behavior and Logo psychotherapy), Ken is a strong believer that beliefs and outlooks are the main drivers of human behavior and resiliency. Ken uses his unique blend of humor, diverse learning, and extensive experience assisting weird and wonderful clients to help others develop healthy beliefs through speaking and clinical counseling.  Like his clients, Ken is proud to be weird; in fact, Ken likes to say none of his clients feel judged when working with him, as he is crazier than they will ever be!

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